Some Latin names conjure images of Ancient Rome, while others feel more understated. The two most popular Latin boys’ names in the United States are Oliver and Lucas.
Along with Oliver and Lucas, other Latin boys’ names in the US Top 200 include Adrian, Dominic, Jude, Julian, Leo, Miles, Roman, and Sebastian.
Baby boy names popular in Rome include Christian — the most common Latin boys’ name in Italy — Anthony, Santiago, and Leo.
Latin names for boys, such as Caius and Remus, were also given by masters to their slaves in the Antebellum South, making them particularly resonant among African-Americans.
Latin boys’ names are coming into fashion, on balance, in the U.S., so this list of Latin names for boys is well worth exploring. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.